Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ludwig II

Hello ladies and gentlemen, do you like building a castle with blocks? Even if you do, you would not like it more than Ludwig. He was almost mad about it.

Ludwig II
 Hello my name is Mary Lee. I would like to talk about his life. His actual full name was Ludwig otto Frierich Wilhelm. He was born on 24 August 1845, at Nymphenbury palacy. He was catholic and liked his turtle very much.

He had his parents and his brother. His father's name was Maximillion II of Bavaria. His brother's name was Otto, and Ludwig hated his brother so much. Also his father treated him harshly by never letting him eat full. His father just did not want his con to be fat.

When he was young, he thought he owned the whole Bavaria. So he stole a purse from someone, and siad, "I'll be the king of Bavaria. Everything here belongs to me." Also he idd not like his brother, so one day, his brother mad a big snowball. Ludwig was jealous at him, so he stole it. When teacher told him he should not, he told his teacher the same thing.

Neuschwanstein castle
Even though most part of his childhood was just like others, one thing had changed his whold life. On a Christmas, he got building blocks for his present, so he played with it, made castles and all the things. This led him to build the most beautiful castle in Bavaria.

His father died when he was 18, after being severly sick for only 3 days. When Ludwig became adults, he married with a princess Marie of prussiaz. Then he made a castle called Neuschwanstein, which looks just like the ones that you see in fairy tales. He checked by watchingg the work through a telescope from a hill across the valley. Then he ran out of his ouwn money, so he decided to rob a bank in Bavaria. Even though robbing a bank is a bad thing, I think it is better than taking people's taxes secretly.

The castle was so huge and hard to build, Ludwig couldn't see it being done. Because what he did was so crazy, a docter checked if he was insane, and doctor said he was. After 3 days, Ludwig was found dead in a lake with his doctor. This is only thing that we know about his death, and his death is still mystery.

The castle Ludwig made, it is still counted as the one of the most beautiful castle. The castle was the model of disneyland. Each year, there are one million thirty thousand visitors.

I think Ludwig 2 was not crrazy at all, but just little odd. Also If outher people have treated him more gently, they would have saved him form his terrible end. I feel bad for him, because I think he died because of the stress he got from the country.

I hope you got some good informations from my essay, and thank you for you attention!!

chane writing

It was a dark night without any light...

It was a dark night without any light in the park and I was listening to music by myself. Suddenly, a man came and sat by me. We talked about the park, and i was explaining about it to him. Though, suddenly he tried to kidnap me, so I ran.  I kept running until I couldn't see any light. About 10-20 minutes later, I reached a door. The door was shinning and I was curious about the door. So I opened it and on the other side of the door, there was a snack world! There were cookie houses, chocolate lake, jelly bean boats and candy forests. there were so many things that was very interesting. I wanted to taste them, but I thought of Charlie and the chocolate factory story and Hantsel and Gretsel. Then I relaxed I was chased by the man I stopped hesitating about if I should taste the snack though it was very tempting. Oh my gosh! Someone pushed me into the chocolate lake! Help me!.... What? I can breath now, and I think I kind of see a hole. I saw a subway inside the hole. It was subway station! I swam to the station. Luckily, there was a subway, so I rode it. But I didn't know where it was going, so I ran to the front of the door and opened the room which controls the subway. There was a man who was driving the subway so I asked him about where it is going. He said, "We're going to the chocolate factory." So I asked him, "Isn't this the chocolate factory?" But he said, "What's wrong with you? It looks like you have lived here for a long time? We are just going to a town named chocolate factory. Isn't real chocolate factory is only for the fairy tales? This right here is Saskatoon, Canada." I was so surprised, because my house is in Saskatoon, and I wanted to go to home, but now, I am on this weird person's subway, and going to Chocolate factory? No! I have to go back! I asked him," Do you know how to go back to Saskatoon? But he said," Where are you wanting to go?" I answered, "I want to go to my house". Suddenly, the subway turned into an airplane and flew to somewhere. I asked him," Where are we going?" and he said,"Your home". I was really happy. The airplane flew as fast as it could, and it arrived in front of my house. Before I could say thanks to him, he flew away. I was wondering why he was so nice to my, and went into my house. There was my mother tied up at the middle of my house, and 3men wearing red cloths. Usually, if you look at movies, mothers says "NO!" to children to save them from danger, but for me, my mother said,"Come on! Come and help me!, I was scared, so I went to cut the rope. The men came to catch me as well while my mom was so happy that I got caught in too. A man grabbed my arm and said,"Why are you talking in sleep?" I looked up. I was my mother holding me. "Why are you sweating so much? You must have had bad dream last night."

about hair

This is my speech that I did on a contest. I want to share this with you.
Do you feel like your hair is falling out? Do you want your hair to be thicker and smoother? Hello my name is Mary Lee, and today, I am going to talk about hair. I am going to share with you some interesting informations about hair and baldness.
Before I do that, I will tell you about some basic informations about hair. The average person has about 10000 hair, and they losses about 50-70 hair each day. So it's not something to worry about if your hair falls out after taking shower or after sleeping.

Now first, I will tell you some very interesting myths about hair. No1. Cutting hair makes it grow faster and thicker. In Korea, there are many parents who shave their children's hair to make it grow thicker and faster. However, this is just a myth! Even though if you cut your hair or not, it does not effect how fast or how thick it grows. No2. Sleeping with wet hair causes hair fungus. In my childhood, my mother never let me sleep with my hair wet because she said I would get hair fungus. Though, to get infected, you need to have a physical contact with people who has tainted or infected hair or an animal. No 3. Swimming pool chemicals can dye your hair green. You might not have heard of this one, but this is actually true! In swimming pool, there is chemical called chlorine, and this chemical can dye your hair into green, if you go to swimming pool lots. Though you can prevent that from happening if you use moisturising shampoo.

Secondly, I will talk about some information you can get from your hair. In the hair, there are a lot of information such as DNA, blood types, figure of heavy metals, and about your health. I'll explain more about figure of heavy metals. Heavy metal is metal that has 4 or 5 bigger mass than water. If heavy metal goes into your body, it does not come out, so if you have worked where heavy metal is used lots, there will be different amount of heavy metals in your hair. Each month, your hair grows about 1cm, you can check your health for long term. This information can be used to locate family, or find criminals.
Finally, I will talk about boldness. Just like everyone know, boldness is conditions that your hair falls out. Baldness usually happens because of genetics or stress, so it is very hard to control boldness. There are many types of boldness, but here today, I am going to explain about most comman ones, one for male, and one for female. Male's boldness starts from their boundry lines going up. Then, the hair at the top gets thinner and eventually gets bald. However, females, they start from the top. It eventually gets thinner and loss their hair at the top. The good thing is that it can be cured by doctors.

Does anyone here think they are getting bald? It might not be the problem at all for you. Now that we have learned that getting bald is not controlable, let's become aware of them and respect them. I hope you learned something from my speech, and thank you for your attentions.

Friday, August 10, 2012


Dear glasses.

  Oh, glasses! How nice you are! you stay with me all the days, and all the time. You help me to do everything ;to see how beautiful the world is, to touch and grab what I need, to find where to go. You help not only me, but all the people who can not see well. You let them have 2nd chance to see the beautiful world. Let me write a poem to you.

Oh! Glasses! You are so generous
You stay at the same place everyday and
 help  people see the beautiful world. 
Oh Glasses! You are so kind.
You let us look better when we have small eyes, 
or when our face is swollen up.
Oh, Glasses! You are so brave.
If I were you, I would be very scared to look down
 if I am up there on a person's face everyday.
Oh Glasses! You are so smart.
You exactly know how thick you could be to fit every person.
I thank you so much for working without pay.

  I thank you glasses for doing the hardest part of people's life, and making the world brighter. People made you, but you make people. You let people to do their best job to make better world. I think people should learn to sacrifice themselves from you. 
  Many days, we do not realize you, but you are always at the same place to help us on everything. I can only realize how important you are to me only when I forget to take you with me. Again, I thank you very much for taking the hardest job for yourself to help others.

                                                 Your precious friend Mary Lee

reflective essay-after watching Adora's video

Today, I want to write an essay based on what I watched. I watched a video of Adora Svitak about 'what adults can learn from kids'. Kids are always hopeful, find good ideas without thinking of how hard the process is. She claimed that in the school, teachers could also learn from kids, but not just teachers talking in front of them. I think she is trying to teach a lesson saying that adults are not always better than children, but have a different perspective than adults.

Here is the video that I watched. I thought it was really good

When I listened to that, I thought of mosquitoes. It is not exactly the same situation as with students and teachers, but I think it is pretty similar. Teachers/adults think kids are not good. Also people think mosquitoes are bad. When I was in the 2nd grade, i changed my mind. Mosquitoes, I still do not like them, but I thought of a needle that is a little as mosquitoes mouth. Even though mosquito is not a good creature, it has something that we can still learn from them.

Also, I had another lesson that is more similar from Adora's idea. Last year, me and my brother did a competition of building a castle creatively. I thought I would win for sure, because I am older, and I have more experiences making things than him.(he was only 6 years old) However, I   actually lost. Still, I am a kid, the best creative/fresh idea gradually decreases from when you are a baby. I think if baby can speak, I think they will be the best people who can create new things. We were both building without the instructions, my brother built a castle you can find in fairy tales. He just beat me in the competition. At that time, I learned a lesson that I should learn from my brothers too, and also I should respect more like they are adults even though I still respect them.

Adora's lesson was about saying that adults are not better than kids, also everything on Earth has something to learn from them, and the adults should give kids opportunity to teach adults what they think is right, because kids will take over the world, so to make better people to develop the world. I was pretty surprised by the video, because there have been very many times when I thought similar to her. From now on, I will not forget the lesson and try to achieve what I think is right. I hope you enjoyed what you just read, and thank you for your attentions.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Diamonta Poem

Hot     Sunny
Sweating  Swiming  Playing
Rain     Water    Chocolate   Snow
Skiing Snowboarding Playing
Cold    Cloudy

Kony 2012 project critics

Joseph Kony
  Does everyone knows about Joseph Kony? He is a world top wanted criminal in UN. Joseph Kony is a criminal who kidnaps children and gives them guns, than makes them shoot their own parents. He also takes children and uses them as child soldier. His army has no reason at all, but just to maintain his power. Jason Russell went to Africa and tried to convince USA to help Africa. However, USA government refused to help those kids, so Jason Russell created an organization called 'Invisible Children' and is doing 'Kony 2012' video project. It is about making Kony famous and getting him caught this year. They are making Joseph Kony famous to catch him easily, but I do not think it will help at all.


First of all, African children will be in more danger. If we say that Joseph is bad to the all world, he could be mad at the children he kidnapped (because he could think this happened because of Jacob and the other children) and try to kill some children and kidnap more  children to prepare for the expected battle with government.

 In addition to that, the reason why they did the bad things could be to become famous. If he did all those bad things in Africa, he would have guessed that he will become famous. If we make him famous like Bill Gates, or other great man like Obama, or Lee Myeong Park, it is like getting him awards like those successful people. He could be happy to achieve his goals.

   Lastly, he could hide or escape. If there are so many people who know about the 'Kony 2012' videos now since Kony's organization is also able to get on Internet, he will know about it too. He is hiding and commanding his people even now, and if we try to make him famous for long time, he will have time to find a better place to hide and this would just make harder to arrest him.

 However, there are still reasons why some people think Kony 2012 project is good. However, I will show why those reasons are wrong.

   First, netizens can help catching Kony. However, even though netizens can learn from video and get impact, netizens will be worried to put themselves into those big risks. Also, netizens don't live where Kony is hiding, so they will not be able to give controversial help to catch Kony.

   Not only that, the organization can get donations from netizens and many organizations.However, 1/3 of them is used to create new videos, and also many of them is used to maintain the organizations. Also, as you can think of there are not many that we can help to arrest Kony with money. By that, you can think that The organization is earning lots of money.

   My opinion is that they should not make Kony famous for following reasons ; children could be in more danger, Kony wants to be famous, and he could escape. The opposition to my idea had following reasons ; netizens can help catching Kony, and organizations can get donations from netizens. I think it is not good idea to just inform people about what he did, but not make him famous.